
Fostering Communities

Innovation Partners

Our collaborative approach is strengthened by the commitment of all individuals and entities who stand by us and share our passion for innovation, talent development, and the search for concrete solutions. They stand by our side, and we stand with them as essential contributors in certain developed collaborations. In short, cross-collaborations and mutual interests are our recipe for successful partnerships.


La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec


La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec is a non-profit cooperative that brings together independent and international video game developers, creators, educational institutions and related entrepreneurs based in Quebec. As the unified voice of over 330 members and a global leader in the industry, La Guilde is the largest group of its kind in the world.

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Quebec Film and Television Council


The Quebec Film and Television Council (QFTC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to contribute to the development and competitiveness of Quebec as a world-class film and television production centre. It generates investments in Quebec by relying on competitive tax incentive programs, the expertise of the sector’s members, the geographical and architectural diversity, the quality of its infrastructure, and the industry’s ability to export its products to foreign markets.

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Artificial Intelligence / Academic

IVADO is an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral research, training and knowledge mobilization consortium whose mission is to develop and promote a robust, reasoning and responsible AI. Led by Université de Montréal with four university partners (Polytechnique Montréal, HEC Montréal, Université Laval and McGill University), IVADO brings together research centers, government bodies and industry members to co-build ambitious cross-sectoral initiatives with the goal of fostering a paradigm shift for AI and its adoption.

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SYNTHÈSE - Pôle Image Québec

Entertainment / Academic

SYNTHÈSE – Pôle Image Québec aims to address training and educational challenges in computer graphics by promoting synergies among private companies, CÉGEPS, universities, and researchers across Québec using forward-looking, practical initiatives.

Founded by Québec’s department of education and higher education (Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur—MEES) in 2018, it is the mission of SYNTHÈSE to stimulate and accelerate training and education in computer graphics.

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Zú is an incubator initiated by Guy Laliberté in 2018. It supports and propels entrepreneurs who use technology to develop products that revolutionize the creative industries by generating innovative projects and world-class intellectual property. Zú is a non-profit organization that rallies a community whose ambition is to create wealth in Quebec by promoting our creativity around the world.

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Campus ADN

Entertainment / Academic

The Campus ADN is a public college training center established for nearly 20 years. Located in Montreal, the Campus ADN offers programs leading to college attestation of studies, as well as customized training for businesses. The team consists of experts from the gaming industry, supported by Cégep de Matane and Cégep du Vieux Montréal.

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La Piscine

Entertainment / Culture & Arts

Since 2015, La Piscine has been accelerating creative and cultural businesses in all phases of their growth through its acceleration programs, events, and the Rodier Space, its headquarters located in a historic building at the gateway of Griffintown, dedicated to a collaborative and growing community of minds.

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Cégep de Matane

Affiliated institution

Acting under the mandates of the State and in response to regional needs, the Cégep de Matane is a public higher education institution at the college level, where pre-university and technical training coexist harmoniously. Its primary mission is to provide high-quality education that meets the needs of both young and adult students, as well as the evolving demands of society, with a focus on accessibility, educational success, and lifelong learning. Its complementary mission is to serve as a center of excellence in research and development, supporting the community and the region in cultural, socioeconomic, scientific, technological, and environmental matters, all from a perspective of regional development.

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Réseau des CCTT - Synchronex

Support Network

The network of College Centers for Technology Transfer and Social Innovation (CCTT) brings together centers of innovation and applied research. Its mission is to maximize the impact of the collective and individual expertise of the CCTTs in innovation and applied research for the socio-economic development of Quebec and Canada. This is achieved through increased transfer to environments that adopt more innovative processes, practices, procedures, and products, as well as by contributing to the development of a highly skilled and innovative workforce.

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L'ALT Numérique Desjardins

Regional Development

The mission of L’ALT Numérique Desjardins is simple yet powerfu: to stimulate entrepreneurship in La Matanie and the Bas-Saint-Laurent region by supporting the digital minds of tomorrow. As a driving force in the digital ecosystem, L’ALT Numérique Desjardins is committed to providing inspiring leadership, guiding its incubators from ideation to project realization, offering tailored and high-quality services, and contributing to the economic diversification of La Matanie.

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Shared Growth

Committed to supporting the growth of small businesses in Quebec, CDRIN fosters the emergence of shared knowledge and collective expertise. Our members contribute to innovation programs and actively participate in event programming committees for major events such as MIGS (Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec), CAFÉ (QFCT), XP Game Summit, and ACM SIGGRAPH. .

Our goal is to support, along with our partners, the continuous development of businesses while strengthening the creative ecosystem in the entertainment sector. Additionally, our team actively participates in roundtable discussions, particularly in the field of college research.

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Developing new technology or making an existing solution more accessible are both ways to address business needs. These also present numerous partnership opportunities.
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Showcasing R&D

With the mission to demystify research, promote R&D value, and disseminate a culture of innovation to a wider audience, we are always ready to share our knowledge through conferences, lively discussions, workshops, and seminars, whether it be for the entertainment industry or academic environments.

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Research Initiatives

Explore the excellence of our major research initiatives. These innovative collaborative projects initiated by the CDRIN and currently underway with our partners, aim to create knowledge flows between new knowledge and entrepreneurship and support the technological transition of the industries for which they are implemented.

Driving Innovation in Digital Creativity

The CDRIN is fully committed to the video game, visual effects, animation, and interactive immersion industries, as well as sustainable regional development. In partnership with key players in these sectors, we conduct research and innovation projects to address the specific challenges and needs of each field. Our expertise in AI and emerging technologies enables us to be a strategic ally for businesses and creative studios, thereby energizing the digital creativity ecosystem and supporting regional economic growth.


Intensifying Digital Ingenuity

At the confluence of innovation, CDRIN thrives on collaboration between diverse organizations and individuals—This enables them to quickly mobilize a team of experts in numerous fields, including:

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